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  • Welcome to ALT Magazine & Press: Hazawi Prize Announces 2023 Shortlist: (Sana'a, Yemen) - The shortlist for the 2023 Hazawi Prize for Yemeni Literature has been revealed, announcing the ten writers who have been selected as finalists for this prestigious award.
  • Now in its second yearly round, the Hazawi Prize recognizes exceptional contributions to fiction in Yemeni literature. Organized by the Hazawi Cultural Foundation, this annual prize aims to promote Yemeni literature and support creative writers.
  • This year's shortlist features both emerging and renowned Yemeni authors. The ten works advancing to the final round of judging are:
  • - Abdullah Faisal shortlisted for his novel, Spirits and Secrets.
  • - Aisha Saleh shortlisted for her novel, Under the Ashes
  • - Farouk Merish shortlisted for his novel, A Dignified Stranger
  • - Ahmed Ashraf shortlisted for his novel, A Painful Belt
  • - Ghassan Khalid shortlisted for his novel, A Sky that Rains Fear
  • - Hosam Adel shortlisted for his novel, The Lord of the Black Dog
  • - Asmaa Abdulrazak shortlisted for her novel, Shrapnels
  • - Abdullah Abdu Muhammad shortlisted for his novel, The Road to Sana'a
  • - Najah Bahkeim shortlisted for her novel, The Final Decision
  • - Samir AbdulFattah shortlisted for her novel, What We Cannot See
  • The winner will be revealed at an award ceremony in Sana'a later where they will receive $1,500 USD. Second and third prizes of $1,000 USD each will also be awarded. All shortlisted works are celebrated for chronicling Yemen's rich culture and wartime experiences. This prestigious prize continues highlighting the nation's thriving literary community.

Standing as One

Standing as One


Hatem Al-Shamea


Sami scrolled through the heartbreaking photos on his phone – emaciated children bombed out neighborhoods. Yemen was facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, and millions had been forced from their homes by years of civil war.

As a Yemeni himself, the scenes of suffering tore at Sami’s heart. He had to do something to help his displaced countrymen. An idea came to him – he would organize a fundraiser event right here in the city.

Sami got to work making calls. He secured the community hall free of charge from the local councilor who was sympathetic to Yemen’s plight. The halal bakery down the street donated trays of bread. The florist contributed beautiful flower arrangements to decorate the tables. Sami tapped into the large Yemeni diaspora community and many volunteered their time and talents.

On the night of the event, the hall was packed. Traditional Yemeni music played as guests mingled. Sami’s aunt showed photos from recent aid trips to the camps while children painted banners with messages of hope. A local chef donated a delicious meal of moqablas, bread, and saltah. An auction of donated items had people bidding enthusiastically.

By the night’s end, Sami’s fundraiser had raised over $10,000 for displaced Yemenis. He was overcome with gratitude for the support of the community. Sami thought of the real work this money could do as he cleaned up: helping families survive another month in the camps, repairing homes damaged in strikes, and providing blankets and warm clothes for the coming winter. His efforts would surely save many lives.

Proud to be Yemeni and play a small role in supporting his people through hardship, Sami felt optimistic that with unity and compassion, Yemen had a bright future ahead.

The Wa’l [Ibex] Rises: Reclaiming Yemeni Identity through an Ancient Symbol – Hatem Al-Shamea

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